Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A New Experiment

Update for July 16, 2009: Successfully completed the list.

After watching my backlog of games to beat pile up (especially around Christmas-time), I've come up with an idea. I won't be buying another game until I can clear 15 from my pile (with one exception -- I've preordered Telltale's new Wallace & Gromit episodes).

The Fifteen in Question:
  • #295: Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time (DS)
  • #507: Punch-Out!!! (NES)
  • #550: Mega Man 9 (XBLA)
  • #551: Rez HD (XBLA)
  • #556: Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts (X360)
  • #565: Left 4 Dead (PC)
  • #571: De Blob (Wii)
  • #575: Prince of Persia (X360)
  • #576: Mirror's Edge (X360)
  • #577: Gears of War 2 (X360)
  • #578: Chrono Trigger (DS)
  • #580: World of Goo (WiiWare)
  • #591: Elite Beat Agents (DS)
  • #604: Resident Evil 5 (X360)
  • #606: Boing! Docomodake (DS)
Subbed Out:
  • #445: Mother 3 (GBA)
  • #598: Retro Game Challenge (DS)
  • #607: Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure (DS)
I kept things pretty easily doable - a lot of these I got quite far on and just stopped. The only hard ones should be Hatsworth and Mega Man, so this is mostly a question of time investment. Also I'll reserve the right to sub something out if it proves too difficult (Hatsworth) or perhaps too tedious (Retro Game Challenge's Guadia Quest) [ed. yes, on both counts]. My hope is to finish this up by the time Ghostbusters comes out [ed. close].

There's probably something coming sooner I'm excited about that I will now deprive myself of... actually I checked and there is -- Rhythm Heaven.

1 comment:

pebbles said...

And to think all that time could have been spent outside.